Nellie Stewart
1858 - 1931
I am the proud recipient of the Frank Van Straten Fellowship of 2024.
This allows me access to the Australian Performing Arts Collection housed at the Arts Centre Melbourne for a year of research.
I will update my database below every week, so if you are interested in seeing some of the materials I have found, you can follow along.
I am eager to hear any stories or insights you may have about her. While she may not be remembered by many, those who do, have truly remarkable tales to tell.
Although she was born (and died) in Sydney she spent her formative years in Melbourne and was beloved here, known as ‘Idol of the Melbourne stage’ and ‘Rose of Australia’.
Please get in touch at the contact form below if you would like to join the conversation - I'd love to find anyone who is also interested in this forgotten darling of the Melbourne stage!

The Frank Van Straten Fellowship supported by ‘The Van Straten and Turley Foundation'.